Give Feedback

Batch Feedback

If you want to rate multiple raters at the same time, you could use the function of batch feedback.

Function Layout

Batch Feedback

No. Function Descriptions
1 Options Choose whether to show submitted reviewers
2 Section Section name
3 Key Point Key points that identify the critiria of 360 feedback
4 Question Question detail
5 Functions Name of current 360 form |Save |Submit All
6 Complection Guide Feedback guide & rating scale description
7 Feedback Area Place to do provide feedback

How to Rate

How to Rate

Three types of rating/feedback include in year-end 360 feedback which are: 0-10 eNPS, 1-5 skill /value rate and open-box comment.

Switch Section & Key Point


You could switch section & key point through the tab.

Save Batch Feedback Results

Save Collective

Although the system auto-save all your changes, but you could also save the feedback before move forward.

Submit Batch Feedback Results

Submit All

After submission, you can't withdraw or change your feedback.

Since the rater approval step is depends on employee & manager, the number of orangers in Batch Feedback might change though time.

Show Submitted Reviewers

Show Submitted

You could choose whether or not to display the submitted reviewers.

Individual Feedback

You can also use the function of individual feedbakc to rate one of the raters.

Save Individual Feedback Results

Save individual

Although the system auto-save all your changes, but you could also save the feedback before move forward.

Submit Individual Feedback Results

Submit individual

After submission, you can't withdraw or change your feedback.